What are ways you've made yourself feel safe on a run?

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Most Important Fuel For Runners: Sleep

One major stereotype about college students is that they do not get enough sleep. Being a college athlete, that proves to be especially true. My cross country practice is every morning at 6:00 a.m. which means my alarm wakes me up at 5:40 sharp. Going straight from practice to class or work leaves little time for naps or even just a moment to relax. Getting up and running so early every morning, I have to ensure that I'm always getting a good amount of sleep. An article from Competitor.com states, "As an athlete, getting enough sleep is as important as your food and exercise choices." 

At least five times a week I'm waking up before the crack of dawn, so I have to make sure I'm getting to bed early. Every night of sleep is recharging your body, and it's important as an athlete and a student. I have to make sure I'm well rested so my body performs its best at practice and my mind stays focused during class. If I do have time during the day, I'll try to squeeze in a power nap to keep my body going and ensure I don't get too sluggish. 
While many college students choose to stay up late studying or go out on weekends, I find myself in bed by 10:30 every night. I may miss a party now and then, but it's worth it when I wake up well-rested and ready to go. 


  1. Wow!! Great post!!! I remember the good ol days when I woke up at the crack of dawn too! Hope ur doing well, say hi to the kids for me. We'll have to go for a run and catch up next time I'm in town!

  2. Thats why I go to sleep at 9:30pm!!!!!!! Even on Friday nights.
