What are ways you've made yourself feel safe on a run?

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

My Team Is My Family

To those people who do not run cross country, they may wonder how it can possibly be a team sport. One person wins the race and that's it. To those of us that run cross country, we know it is way more than that.

I like the way this blog post by a University of Cincinnati runner explains it: you never know what your team will be like before you meet them, but they end up being your second family. I couldn't agree more with this. All of my best friends are people I met through running, whether in high school or college. 

It makes sense, of course. I think about the countless hours I spend with my team and it almost seems inevitable that we all grow so close. We all go through everything together, every workout, race, bus ride, meeting, everything. Everyone understands because we all go through the same things. It's a bond that forms.

 I've always said that runners are the most genuine people, and that contributes as well to forming those tight-knit friendships. To be a runner, you have to be dedicated. My coach always says you can't fake distance running. I definitely think that transfers over to other aspects of life as well. I know when I meet a new teammate, or even just a fellow runner, they are a dedicated individual who doesn't slack off. 

I could go deeper into analyzing the relationships runners form, but what it really comes down to is that running has brought me together with some amazing people. I'm blessed that we all decided to pursue cross country, and that it has brought us together and formed friendship and family that will continue far beyond our running careers. 

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